Suspect WANTED for Video Voyeurism at a local Kohl’s department store.

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This unknown male held a red iPhone underneath the dressing room stall door (for several minutes) to film a female as she was trying on clothes. Once noticed, he fled the store in an unknown direction.
This incident occurred on September 6, 2022. Kohl’s is located in the 8700 block of Southern Blvd, unincorporated WPB.
Anyone who can identify this suspect is urged to contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-458-TIPS or online at
You WILL stay anonymous and be eligible for a reward of up to $3,000!

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Click the photo(s) below to enlarge the photos.

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If anyone has ANY information on this incident please contact Crime Stoppers. You will stay anonymous and be eligible for a reward of up to $3,000!

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